Focused Representation For Alleged College Crimes

Criminal allegations can cause stress and anxiety for anyone. When a college student is accused of a crime, the student and his or her parents are rightly concerned about the direct impact of a criminal conviction, as well as how the criminal process may impact educational, job, housing and other opportunities well into the future.

Criminal Court And University Conduct Hearings

At Eberhardt & Hale in Athens, we are experienced in student representation and knowledgeable regarding the consequences of these charges. We represent students facing alcohol-related charges, advise them regarding the impact the charges can have on their academic career and often represent them as they appear in university conduct hearings.

Misdemeanor criminal charges involving alcohol such as underage possession of alcohol (UPA) and minor in possession (MIP) can have serious consequences for students both inside and outside the legal arena. Alcohol-related offenses can also impact one's standing as a student at the University of Georgia and other schools. Moreover, allegations of other serious offenses can be devastating for students.

Such charges include:

  • DUI
  • Drug offenses
  • Assault
  • Sex crimes
  • Disorderly conduct

Our criminal defense lawyers have substantial experience obtaining the best possible outcome in criminal court. As former prosecutors, we know how to analyze the issues from every angle to prepare and present a strong defense. While not every case goes to trial, we are well-equipped to stand strong in court, when an effective outcome cannot be obtained in pretrial processes and negotiations.

Call Accomplished Local Attorneys In Athens

It is extremely important to have skilled local attorneys who are knowledgeable regarding both the court system and the university student conduct rules and regulations to represent you against alcohol-related charges or other allegations.

To arrange a free consultation with a local, experience defense lawyer, call (706) 549-1965 or contact us online.